IdoShape – Measure Mattress Indentation
Measure movement and deformation
The IdoShape is a sensor mat that detects movement and measures deformation and is specifically designed for the use in layered flexible materials such as mattresses and car seats. It can be used to evaluate the fit between the human body and its biomechanical support.
Custom8 NV developed this completely new technology by explicit demand of University labs and mattress companies to assess body posture based on real deformation measurements of the mattress surface. The main reason to develop this technology was the inability of the commercially available pressure mats to accurately reproduce indentation and deformation based on the measurement of pressure distributions.
The IdoShape provides valuable information about the support of the human body on different types of sleeping and seating systems, and is therefore an important tool for our material testing service and our ergonomic testing service.
Flexible and Modular system
The IdoShape sensor mat is a modular system and is composed of a set of measurement units. Each unit is a sensor mat on its own containing a number of sensors, a processing unit and a power supply. A sensor mat may contain a maximum of 128 units. All electronic components are soldered to a flexible PCB. Although the PCB material is not stretchable, the architecture design permits bending and torsion of specific parts of the PCB such that overall stretchability is simulated. Up to 4 IdoShape sensormats can be connected to one USB port of a PC. To ensure maximum safety during measurements, all connections between the µCliMat sensor mats and the PC are galvanically isolated.
The IdoShape is light and thin, and is designed for maximal point elasticity such that the mechanical characteristics of the investigated materials remain unaltered by the measurement with minimal impact on the behavior of the overall system.