visual 3D Climate Measurements on Mattress Samples

3D Climate Measurements on Mattress Samples

There are numerous different materials available that can be used make mattresses. Moreover, most of them available are in different densities of with certain additives. In addition, a mattress is nowadays usually made up of several layers, and it is clear that a chosen composition or even a particular layer can strongly influence the climate behavior of the whole.

This howto document describes how we use our sensors to evaluate the differences in microclimate behavior between these materials

visual Microclimate and the search for a good night’s sleep

Microclimate and the search for a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for a happy life. A recent study from EBIA confirms that sleep scores a lot higher than exercise, healthy diet and a great social life as essential factors of life.

This study was one of the discussion topics during the latest NAVEM conference.  This discussion gave rise to the article (“Dit wordt meestal vergeten in de zoektocht naar een ideale nachtrust“, in Dutch) published in Knack Plus about the influence of microclimate (the temperature and humidity around the sleeper) on the quality of sleep.





visual The future of sleeping systems

The future of sleeping systems

A very interesting story (in dutch) was published by Peter Vantyghem in the Belgian newspaper De Standaard about the future of sleeping systems (“Op zoek naar de matras van de toekomst“).

Even though we use them on a daily basis, few people in Flanders have attention for a good mattress or want to pay for it. Nevertheless the awareness is growing that a good night’s sleep, on a customized mattress, is worth a higher price. Sleep will become more hightech, and Flanders should join the movement.

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